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Platonic Solids in SOLIDWORKS


A recent video from my favorite YouTube channel (Numberphile – see the video below) started me thinking about modeling the Platonic Solids in SOLIDWORKS again.  I have seen demonstrations of several techniques, including Phil Sluder’s excellent “Soccer Ball” presentation, but never a comprehensive list of useful and instructive models.  I also wanted to create an opportunity for others to get into the action by making your own solids using a 3D Printer or folded paper.

The SOLIDWORKS 2015 models posted below all have a 100mm “Edge Length” that can be scaled using the global variable of that name. They are also constructed as much as possible (by me at least) according to the ancient “Compass and Straightedge” rules of Greek Geometry.  These shapes are a great way to explore Surface Modeling & Sketching and I would love to hear about other construction techniques from the SOLIDWORKS Community.  I’m also particularly interested to see if it is possible to generate a set of SOLIDWORKS models that strictly adheres to the Compass and Straightedge rules.  In the interest of clarity, the models are also available in a “shelled out” or “wireframe” configuration to make the edges more visible. (This was surprisingly difficult for the Icosahedron.)

Please browse the contents of the table and comment below if you have other techniques or resources to suggest.

Solid Type Tetrahedron Cube Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron
Image Tetrahedron Cube Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron

Tetrahedron (SLDPRT)


Octahedron (SLDPRT)

Dodecahedron (SLDPRT)

Icosahedron (SLDPRT)
STEP (*.zip)
Tetrahedron (STEP)

Cube (STEP)

Octahedron (STEP)

Dodecahedron (STEP)

Icosahedron (STEP)
STL (*.zip)
Tetrahedron (STL)

Cube (STL)

Octahedron (STL)

Dodecahedron (STL)

Icosahedron (STL)
PDF (for folding paper) Tetrahedron Cube Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron
eDrawing (*.html)
(Internet Explorer Only)
Tetrahedron Cube Octahedron Dodecahedron Icosahedron
eDrawing (*.eprt)
Downloadable with a free viewer

Tetrahedron (EPRT)

Cube (EPRT)

Octahedron (EPRT)

Dodecahedron (EPRT)

Icosahedron (EPRT)
Wireframe Tetrahedron Wireframe Cube Wireframe Octahedron Wireframe Dodecahedron Wireframe Icosahedron Wireframe

The Platonic Solids Wikipedia page is also an interesting read for more of the math & history behind these beautiful shapes.

The post Platonic Solids in SOLIDWORKS appeared first on Radigan Engineering.

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